CILS Announces the Change of the F-Gas ‘Leak Check’ Regulation

By Alex Miller / 01/07/2016 / Industry News

F-gas register logoFrom the 1st January 2017, the revised (EU) No 517/2014 regulation states that equipment containing F-Gases must be labelled with new references.

From 1st July 2016, operators in France conducting mandatory leak checks of equipment containing certain fluorinated greenhouse gases must label the equipment indicating that it has been checked according to Art. R543-79-1 of Decree 2015-1790 by the minister of environment, Energy and Marine. To help operators comply with article R543-79-1, industrial labelling manufacturers CILS have developed durable ‘leak check’ identification labels. These are manufactured to regulation guidelines which specify a blue, circular ‘sealing control’ label to certify approved equipment , or a red, circular label to indicate ‘lack of seal’ if a leak is found.

CILS Labels feature a space for authorisation codes which can be handwritten or printed using a thermal transfer printer. ‘Leak check’ identification labels perfectly complement CILS durable, computer printable F-Gas product identification labels which can be made to each customer’s requirements.

From the 1st January 2017, the revised (EU) No 517/2014 regulation states that equipment containing F-Gases must be labelled with a reference that the equipment contains fluorinated greenhouse gases, the name of the refrigerant, the quantity of gas expressed in kg and CO2 equivalent along with the global warming potential (GWP) value of the refrigerant.


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