What are your favourite 3 films?
MH: Kill Bill, Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas, Pulp Fiction
What are your favourite tv shows?
MH: Right now… Rick & Morty, and Game of Thrones. Waiting for the new series of Stranger Things and South Park to come out.
You’re hosting a festival, you can choose 5 headliners (dead or alive), who do you choose?
MH: Bob Marley, Johnny Cash, System of a Down, deadmau5, The Prodigy… probably in that order.
What is your role within the business?
MH: Web Development / Design
Tell us an interesting fact about you?
MH: I actually hold a degree in Law, but decided soon after graduating that I ought to work in an area I’m more passionate about.
What do you like doing away from work?
MH: Outside of work I enjoy playing video games (currently player unknown’s battlegrounds), and going to the pub quiz is a staple part of my week. I also enjoy travelling when possible – I am hoping to get to Prague, and possibly Milan, before the year’s out.
If you could have 5 celebrities round for dinner, who would they be?
MH: Robin Williams, JRR Tolkien, Stephen Fry, Joel Zimmerman (deadmau5), Mila Kunis
What’s your favourite thing about working for Technique Learning Solutions?
MH: Friendly coworkers, homely environment, and the challenges that come with the role.